Our network supports Netflix, Spotify, Pandora, Hulu, BBC iplayer, NBC, Amazon Instant video, but much more.
* For us and uk netflix try this ,all Residential IP
* account: vpntraffic
They are looking for customers who connect from multiple locations within a time period that doesn't make sense. For example you connect from San Francisco at 9am then connect from Poland at 1pm. Try not to hop around. Use a
netflix vpn for security when you travel and want to use Netflix but avoid switching it too often.I think they are likely doing both. I was referring to a method NF may use to recognize users who are using proxy or a VPN to connect. I am not certain, but my guess would be once they find an IP block that belongs to a VPN or proxy they probably blacklist it. It's very unfortunate because using a VPN for all of your browsing makes a lot of sense. And if they're going to blacklist IP blocks, then they are potentially blacklisting customers who may not be averting their TOS.